Review of Matt Osborne’s “Trashcan Lid Theosophy article”

In response to

“Whenever Meier’s lens has focused too closely on supposed beamships next to trees, or buildings or vehicles that are in frame, however, his photographic fakery has been too obvious.”

The photos showing beamships next to the trees show that the beamships do not cause the trees to bend and these beamships are photographed multiple times in different positions around the trees so that any attachment arm to the tree would have to be disconnected, moved up or down and then reconnected. Then it would make the tree bend in a different direction. The trees never bend!

“Even his best photographs have been utterly rubbished by real photographic experts”

I’ve not encountered any of these experts you refer to. Which experts and what analyis have they done apart from a glance and best guess? Have you seen this article and photos of film where the beamship(s) disappears or “jumps” in one frame? Then there is rational by the movie 2001 A Space Odyssey special effects expert Wally Gentleman which you can read here

“Meier used forced perspective with a toy model car for a photo series featuring one of his ridiculous trashcan-lid wedding cake spaceships”.

The bin lids are plastic, the ship is made of highly reflective metal.

“As Kal Korff emphasizes in his landmark debunking of Meier, Spaceships of the Pleiades: The Billy Meier Story”

Mr Korff is clearly a liar, thief and narcissist. I recommend discounting his book as being a reliable source. See

“It was to this study group in 1975 that Meier began to reveal his lifetime of contacts with space beings and to whom he had showed the photographs of flying saucers he had taken,” explains the Encyclopedia of Occultism & Parapsychology”

Not only that but over 150 people have seen the Plejaren, their technology and other events that prove beyond rational doubt that there is truth in FIGU. It is not reasonable to consider all of these witnesses to be liars or insane. You haven’t mentioned these witnesses in your essay. I myself visited the SSSC in 2017 and during the evening I saw a very bright light silently travel across the sky. It was much brighter than Venus and was constant white in colour. There were no flashing lights. I was informed by a core group member that it was probably a telemeter disc. Do you know what telemeter discs are?

“Much of this essay relies on his exegesis by English-speaking North Americans.”

All contact reports have now been translated into English and are accessible on the website . Also many books have now been translated into English. I recommend that you purchase some and investigate further.

“The teachings of the Pleiadians transmitted to earth by Eduard ‘Billy’ Meier are virtually indistinguishable from any other UFO cult ‘bricolage’ because they are formed from the same material, acknowledge it, and comment upon it.”

The teaching of Creation Energy is extensive and a lot of the topics covered, in particular those that are not publicly available, requires FIGU membership (cost about $250/year) to then subscribe to the teaching and receive A4 sized booklets in German that you must translate into English manually. Are you a FIGU member? If not then you cannot receive these booklets and cannot assess the quality of their content.

Best regards,

James Moore





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